Saturday 15 October 2011

Oct 15 - CSS A&N

Analysis & News Summary – Oct 15

Report Urges Obama to Freeze Pakistan Aid
WASHINGTON: An influential US think-tank urged the Obama administration on Friday to freeze its aid to Pakistan until the country took actions against perpetrators of the US Embassy attack in Kabul and helped shut down the Haqqani network. (More)
Draft of New Visa Accord with India Finalised
NEW DELHI: The Joint Working Group of Pakistan and India finalised a draft of a new visa agreement after examining modalities for streamlining visa procedures at a two-day meeting that concluded here on Friday.(More)
British Defense Chief Liam Fox Resigns- Washington Post
LONDON — Britain’s hawkish defense minister, Liam Fox, resigned Friday amid a mounting conflict-of-interest scandal, vacating his job at a critical juncture in British military planning and dealing a blow to Prime Minister David Cameron’s government. (More)
BBC: Italy PM Silvio Berlusconi wins confidence vote
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has won a key confidence vote in parliament, sparked by questions over his handling of the economy and personal scandals. (More)
United Nations Rights Head Warns Of 'Civil War' In Syria – Al-Jazeera Intl
International community urged to take immediate action as UN's estimated death toll since protests began exceeds 3,000. (More)
US to send troops to Uganda to help fight LRA rebels
US President Barack Obama has said he is sending about 100 US soldiers to Uganda to help regional forces battle the notorious Lord's Resistance Army. (More)
British unemployment rockets to 17-year high
LONDON: Britain's jobless total has hit a 17 year-high, data showed Wednesday, stoking fears of a new recession and denting government hopes that the private sector can compensate for massive cuts in state jobs. (More)

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The war that established no new doctrine By Simon Tisdall 
THE Libyan war, which began in earnest in February and edged towards a ragged conclusion on Thursday in the dusty, blood-specked alleyways of Sirte, was, in its most hyperbolic aspect, a victory for democracy, freedom, and the Arab spring. (More)
Dengue fever has continued to haunt mankind for the last several centuries with historical accounts of this disease from Africa which are between five to six hundred years old. The first outbreaks of dengue fever reached Asia, South America and Africa concurrently in the 1780s. Now this disease (More)
Dawn Editorial - Crime and terrorism + Polio Cases
MILITANCY and terrorism in Pakistan is a hydra-headed monster. Experience has shown that even when the security forces achieve success in one area, their efforts do not succeed in killing the monster (More)
Looking for heroes By Shada Islam
GROWING up, there was no dearth of heroes. My father was certainly one. Even now, 11 years after his death, I still marvel at his intellect, admire his vision and chuckle at his jokes. My quest for other heroes — and heroines — has been less successful, however. (More)
Power politics Irfan Husain
YOU may not win an election by providing regular electricity, but you can easily lose one by failing to.
At the last general elections in 2008, the ruling PML-Q got hammered because of its failure to add to the national grid (More)
The making of the modern maulvi By Ajmal Kamal Tribune Opinion & Analysis
Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi opposed the Khilafat movement so fiercely that he was willing to sacrifice his life for the cause of opposing it. His Malfoozat have the following entry concerning the events. “During the peak days of the Tehreek-e-Khilafat, fiery people were in a state of great rage. There was fire all around. Matters came to such a pass (More)
When its highest ranking military officer declares a major ally to be the potential sponsor of multiple terrorist attacks, including a 20-hour-long assault on a US embassy, the US has a problem. When it turns out that the same (More)
Some suggest staying away from Obama’s Wars by Imran Ali Teepu
Gazetted officers of the federal government receive a book from the Cabinet Division’s Services Club every  year – for a price – to stimulate their minds(More)
Imp: Turkey’s renewal By A.G. Noorani - Analysis
NEARLY nine years in office as prime minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, leader of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) has already carved his name in history by his domestic and foreign policies. (More)

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